About the plugin

Poppa is a jQuery plugin which makes client-side form validation easy. It provides a basic customization and aims at being cross-browser compliant, reliable and lightweight (only 8kb minified). It comes with a handful of a useful validation methods, including URL and email validation and default error messages in English.

Installation guide

First, download Poppa here:

After extracting the file, include the Javascript at the bottom of your page before the closing </body> tag. Also, make sure jQuery, which is required by the plugin is also included:

<!-- Load jQuery first -->
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="./js/validation_new.js"></script>

Include the CSS at the top of your page in your <head> tag:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./css/validation.css">

Initiate plugin on a existing form with javascript:



Required fields

Can be applied to all types of inputs (including HTML5), textareas and select elements.

<input type="text" required>
<input type="checkbox" required>
<input type="radio" required>
<input type="file" required>
<textarea required></textarea>
<select required>
  <option value="">---</option>
  <option value="black">Black</option>
  <option value="white">White</option>

<!-- HTML5 example -->
<input type="time" required>


Available options: min [int], max [int].
HTML5 attributes supported: minlenght, maxlenght.

<!-- Minimum 3 characters -->
<input type="text" data-validation-length="min:3" required>

<!-- Maximum 20 characters -->
<input type="text" data-validation-length="max:20" required>

<!-- Between 10 and 150 characters -->
<input type="text" data-validation-length="min:10,max:150" required>

<!-- Input is not required but it must be 
at least 8 characters long if not empty. -->
<input type="text" data-validation-length="min:8">

<!-- HTML5 example. Between 2 and 30 characters -->
<input type="number" minlength="2" maxlength="30" required>


Available options: min [int], max [int].
HTML5 attributes supported: min, max.

<!-- Any numerical value -->
<input type="text" data-validation-type="number" required>

<!-- Value minumum 20 -->
<input type="text" data-validation-range="min:20" required>

<!-- Value maximum 50 -->
<input type="text" data-validation-range="max:50" required>

<!-- Value between -10 and 100 -->
<input type="text" data-validation-range="min:-10,max:100" required>

<!-- HTML5 example -->
<input type="number" min="10" max="30" required>

<input type="text" data-validation-type="email" required>


Valid url formats: https://www.example.com, https://example.com, www.example.com, example.com

<input type="text" data-validation-type="url" required>


Accepts only letters and numbers.

<input type="text" data-validation-type="alphanumeric" required>


Accepts only lowercase and uppercase letters.

<input type="text" data-validation-type="letters" required>


HTML5 attributes supported: pattern

<!-- Only uppercase letters -->
<input type="text" data-validation-regexp="^[A-Z]+$" required>

Display hint
<input type="text" data-validation-hint="Some usefull hint" required>

Custom required message
<input type="text" data-validation-rqmessage="Hey, I will need that!" required>

Live validation

By default each input will become validated immediately when you start typing into the input or the input looses focus. If you don't want this feature you can set 'liveValidation': false upon plugin initiation to disable it. An example below shows the same user registration form, but with live validation active.

*required fields

<form class="user-registration>
    <label>Login *</label>
    <input name="login" type="text" data-validation-type="alphanumeric" data-validation-length="min:3,max:35" required>
    <label>Email *</label>
    <input name="email" type="text" data-validation-type="email" required>
    <label>Password *</label>
    <input name="password" data-validation-type="password" required>
    <input name="website" data-validation-type="url">
    <textarea name="bio" data-validation-length="min:10,max:150" data-validation-hint="Describe yourself"></textarea>
    <label>I agree to the terms of service *</label>
    <input type="checkbox" data-validation-message="You have to agree to terms of service" required>
    <button type="submit">Submit</button>
    'autocomplete': 'off'

Those options change the behaviour of the plugin. Unlike to input attributes, they refer to the entire form.

Option Default Description
preventDefaulttruePrevents form from submitting. If set to false, form will be submitted even if there are invalid inputs.
sendFormtruePrevents form from submitting even if provided data is valid.
autocompleteonTurns autocomplete on/off for the entire form.
liveValidationtrueFor more details about live validation, click here.
noValidatetrueDisables default HTML5 form validation.
formInvalidAlertWarningThe form has not been completed correctly. Correct marked fields.A message to display when form is invalid.

Custom error message for required inputs. Using this keyword inside function will refer to the current input.

requiredMessage: function() {
    this.name + ' is required';